Nowadays, businesses are becoming increasingly aware of the potential risk of hiring unverified candidates, which is why more and more companies are including comprehensive employee background checks in their recruiting process.

In today’s digital era, technology continues to transform and revolutionize different aspects of business processes across industries. There are many employment background check companies in India, but businesses are still evaluating the effectiveness of such services. Instead, technology is playing a pivotal role in opening new horizons for such crucial hiring aids. With the increasing risks associated with hiring employees without a proper background verification, more companies are making tech-driven employee background screening a part of their hiring policy.

To address the increased demand and take advantage of the untapped market, employment background check companies must innovate to change the process of background data handling and processing. Technology has revolutionized the pace at which people conduct business and allows customers to expect and demand instant gratification. When it comes to employee background verification, this suggests that there is an urgent need to move in from the traditional ways and create new methods to reduce turnaround time and provide faster results.

Technology has been instrumental in the rapidly evolving landscape of public & private identity information and the relevant ongoing digitization efforts. Moreover, some data-intelligence companies have also developed state-of-the-art platforms that combine AI, deep-search algorithms, and machine learning to search and combine data dispersed across various databases to provide reliable, efficient, and timely results.

The digitization of public records (under the Digital India Program), which includes PAN, Voter ID, Aadhaar, Driving License, etc., along with police records, court records, and educational records, has made it easier to perform background verification. Employment background check companies today have resources to verify the criminal background and educational records in a matter of moments, allowing businesses to make their hiring decisions quickly and confidently.

The influence of technology in employee background verification will increase with more and more government agencies, educational institutes and businesses working towards digitizing their databases.

Some prominent areas where data intelligence technology is making a significant impact in the background verification industry includes:

Operations: Nowadays, most organizations are using a platform that has already automated the back-end operations similar to an assembly line. Here various credentials of an applicant are verified in parallel by different teams and mapped on the platform to compile the results and develop a report at the end. This not only helps in saving time and avoiding manual errors but also allows easy tracking and data analytics for business intelligence. Moreover, it also prevents the misuse of data since no single person has access to the complete data of a candidate.

Data Security: Modern firewall and access control systems promote better storage, processing and management of data that implies enhanced security and privacy policies. In addition, it also helps comply with ISO standards of quality and information.

Criminal background: Thanks to the availability of over 200 million court records (litigation databases- civil and criminal) across the nation, some organizations have also developed their state-of-the-art search algorithms powered by machine learning and AI. It equips them to leave no stone unturned to find the right set of information. Such programs can search for the criminal history of an applicant across the country in a couple of seconds.

Ex-employee verification: Various organizations have also developed a solution to automate the ex-employee verification process for companies. This program allows the talent acquisition teams of partnered companies to deal with the unproductive work of replying to ex-employee verification requests from their current employers and saves time as well as resources.

Use of APIs: Modern technology has enabled employment background check companies to provide APIs of their platforms to different organizations using the HRMS system. Such programs allow raising verification requests, submitting relevant documents, tracking the progress of background checks for each candidate, and enrolling the chosen candidates to other systems (payroll, attendance etc.) with ease.

Employee background verification, although in its nascent phase in India, is rapidly gaining popularity. This growth can be attributed to various unfortunate incidents, more so in the recent past where organizations have had to go through financial and reputational loss because of fraud or misbehavior of their employees. A lot of examples are publicly available concerning employee fraud and fake credentials provided by candidates. A comprehensive authentication of the candidate’s profile could have easily averted the loss of face for companies.

Nowadays, companies using such technology, delivery platforms and proprietary databases are developing a robust infrastructure that allows organizations to work in a trusted environment and transact with candidates confidently. In the near future, technology will only improve the background data intelligence process to help businesses filter out applicants who may prove to be disloyal, unproductive, potential litigators and who may put an organization’s productivity or reputation at risk by promoting racism, sexual, emotional and verbal harassment.

Concluding Remarks

In a country like India, where there are no proper guidelines and mandates around employee background verification, it becomes an intrinsic responsibility of employment background check companies to handle the data responsibly, and any reliable background check company would take this up with utmost seriousness.

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This has nothing to do with the rest of the article

Categories: Data Rights


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